Graduate of Leningrad Mining Institute. Eugeny Bobylev received his first professional experience, working for the enterprise "Pechorshakhtstroi" in 1980.
Awards and titles
- Title of honour "Top-manager of the Russian Federation 2007".
- Honorary Diploma of "Lenenergo", 2007.
- Departmental mark of distinction "Honorary Builder of Russia", 2009.
- Diploma of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, 2009.
- Diploma for the considerable contribution in the development of National Glory Centre "Temple of Marine Glory of Russia", 2010.
Graduate of Leningrad Polytechnical Institute. Experienced expert of the industry, Lazutkin Viacheslav Alekseevich nowadays supervises the entire complex of works executed by the corporation.
Awards and titles
- Honorary Diploma of "Lenenergo", 2007.
- Medal "Construction Glory", 2009.
- Departmental mark of distinction "Honorary Builder of Russia", 2009.
- Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, 2010.
Graduate of Leningrad Mining Institute named after K.V.Plekhanov. Koliadin Andrey Konstantinovich supervises all cable works of all voltage classes, electric installation, and start-up and adjustment works.
Awards and titles
- Distinctive mark "Miner's glory of III degree", 1996.
- Honorary Diploma of the Governor of Leningrad region, 2010.
Graduate of Karaganda Polytechnical Institute. Today Fisher Ivan Ivanovich supervises general construction works of "EFESC" corporation.
Awards and titles
- Distinctive mark "Miner's Glory" III degree, 1986.
- Bronze medal "For achieved successes in the development of national economy of the USSR", 1986.
- Distinctive mark "Miner's glory" II degree, 1991.
- Honorary title "Honorary worker of coal mining industry", 1994.
- Memorable mark "50-th anniversary of the Day of Miner", 1997.
- Distinctive mark "Miner's glory of I degree", 2001.
- Departmental mark of distinction "Honorary builder of Russia", 2009.
- Honorary Diploma of Governor of Leningrad region, 2010.
Awards and titles
- Badge of FSK UES of Russia for construction and reconstruction of electric network objects, 2007.
Graduate of the Higher Naval School of Radioelectronics named after A.S.Popov.
Awards and titles
- Note of acknowledgement of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, 2010.
Graduate of Leningrad Polytechnical Institute
Awards and titles
- Distinctive mark "Honorary worker of housing and communal services of Russia", 2000.
- Title of honour "Veteran worker of Water Supplies Services of Saint Petersburg", 2002.
- Honorary Diploma of the Governor of Leningrad region, 2010
Graduate of the All-Union, order "Sign of Honour," Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics.
Graduate of Leningrad Polytechnical Institute named after М.I. Kalinin and Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics named after N.A.Voznesensky. Duksin Vladimir Alekseevich supervises supplies to objects of materials and equipment.
Awards and titles
- Note of acknowledgement of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian
Federation, 2005.
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